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About Me

            Writer, podcaster, and motivator. If I gave myself a job description, that is probably what it would be, but I am so much more than just those three things. I am someone who is always striving for the next big thing, reaching for the next goal.  "Go big or go home" right? That is one of the many mottos I like to live by. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and help create change.


           I dabble in a little bit of everything whether it be creative or not, I'm a strong believer that you need to give things a try because your never going to know what you love without trying it  (this statement does not include food ), but yes creative stuff is my go-to, as proven above, writing and podcasting is my passion, I also do a little photography, graphic design, crafts, and then the physical stuff like dance, and skating and I'm honestly getting really big on working out, a newfound passion through quarantine. 

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