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Ivy Moonlit 

A Writer 

           Writing has always always been something very close to my heart. I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was in the second grade and my teacher handed me back my writing assignment, just to tell me she thought I would be an amazing writer when I grew up. I was seven. I could have brushed her off, and through it was her way of encouraging me to be good in school, but her words stuck with me. I had always been an avid reader, I was the first in my year to start reading a chapter book. Each of my teachers after that year taught me something new. How to create my own storylines, how to develop my own writing style, and how to edit my work to make it the best it could be.

          At the beginning of middle school, I put out my very first book for the public to read on a website called Movellas. It took me some time, but I quickly gained a love for writing something I was okay with others reading. When I was in grade seven, I self-published my very first book. Since then I have continued to write on other websites such as Movellas, Reedsy, and my very own website I had created at the time. Writing is, and will always be my biggest passion. 

          Now, you might be curious why the name on everything is Ivy Moonlit. For a long time, Ivy Moonlit was my escape. When I was a kid, she was my imaginary friend, when I grew up, she was the girl I could be when I didn't want to be Hana anymore. A better version of myself. Things were rough at times, but when I was writing, I was Ivy Moonlit, I was free. Now she's a part of who I am. I've grown to love myself, I learned I'm not just some lonely girl who will always be struggling, I've become the girl I imagined Ivy to be. Someone strong, ambitious, and goal-oriented, and on the days that I'm not? I still have her to remind me I'm well on my way to that. 

          Want to see more of my writing? 

Here is my Movellas Profile: 

Here is my Reedsy Profile:

Here is my published book:\

Here is a link to my old website for my writing:

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