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Refreshingly Idiotic

A Podcast by Hana

            Our generation is often told we are the generation that needs to "do better" or "make the change" but we are never told how.  Not to say we need to get everything step by step but we are moving into a place where if we don't talk about certain topics then were stuck in a place where we can feel "disconnected" from society. One of the topics on the rise in mental health. Refreshingly Idiotic is a podcast focused all on mental health, I know mental health is talked about everywhere, but do we actually know what mental health is? This podcast was created to educate everyone about what mental health, mental illnesses are and how we can cope. This way, when people talk about the subject, they actually have facts behind what they are talking about, and we can all have deeper and more meaningful conversations. 


            Why mental health? I get this question often, there are so many other world issues on the rise, what pushed me to chose mental health? Well, I answer this question in snippets through each of my episodes, but the first realization I had was when I was in grade eight. I was standing in front of my class doing a presentation, something I had done multiple times in the past but this time was different. I had my first panic attack. For a long time, nobody knew what was wrong with me, but it was becoming a daily occurrence. Chest pain, shortness of breath, blurry vision, and dizziness. Frankly, I was afraid I had some sort of a heart condition. Nobody talked about mental health, so no matter how hard we tried to figure it out, the possibility wasn't acknowledged until summer between grade nine and ten. Even at that point, I had been diagnosed, I knew I had anxiety, but I couldn't control it because didn't know what it was, there was no meaning behind that word for me. I had just been exposed to mental health, but I had to put in the effort to figure it out. This marks the beginning of an amazing new journey. 

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