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Merch Store

Made by me so you can be productive

          My whole platform is about Mental Health Awareness, why wouldn't I try to raise money for the cause? The following products were designed by yours truly, putting my design skills to the test. Each product is one I believe you need every day to be your most productive self. Things such as water bottles, notebooks, bags, and let's be real, phone cases and hoodies are also a year-round necessity. 


         Where will I be donating proceeds you ask? After much research, I decided on CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association). I have donated to this organization in the past with most of my older fundraisers and I truly feel this is where the money goes to the best use as it's not just being used in one spot all the time, it's always being shifted around to wherever it's needed the most.  To find out more look at the link.​ 


         New products are constantly being added so don't forget to come back and look for new items to purchase and support the cause. <3




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